Recruitment FAQs

What is a PNM?

PNM stands for Potential New Member. When you sign up for the formal recruitment process, you become a potential new member. Once you accept a bid to one of our seven chapters, you then become a new member.

Where do I sign up for recruitment and how long is the process?

Recruitment Registration

Recruitment registration is open until 5pm on August 27th. Formal recruitment begins on Friday, September 1st and concludes on Monday, September 4th. Plan to stay at the University Center all day! If you have class on Friday, we will make necessary arrangements to ensure you meet all six chapters.

Is there a cost to register for recruitment?

Yes, the cost for registration is $70. This includes two shirts, a goodie bag, snacks and covers university related fees.

What is a Rho Gamma?

A Rho Gamma is a woman who cross-affiliates during the summer through the end of formal recruitment. She is a member of one of our six Panhellenic chapters who gives up her letters to help new members find theirs. She is a recruitment counselor and helps potential new members through their process of formal recruitment

How can I get involved prior to recruitment?

Panhellenic Tabling: August 21-25, 2023

Stop by and say hello to our Panhellenic women tabling around campus with cute goodies for you!

Meet and Greek: August 21st, 2023

This is an event that the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life (OFSL)  puts on to showcase the whole Greek community at UNF. 

Trivia Tuesday with Cross-Affiliates: August 22nd, 2023 from 6-8pm

This event is an opportunity for you to get to know our Panhellenic Executive Board members and the Rho Gammas that will be leading PNMs through Recruitment. Come join us for some fun and food!

Panhellenic Showcase: August 23rd, 2023 from 6-8pm

This is an event specific to the Panhellenic council where you will watch a short presentation about our community and get the chance to talk with chapter members from each organization. 

Market Wednesday: August 23rd, 2023 from 10-2pm in shifts

Swing by and chat with Panhellenic sisters and other UNF organizations at the Student Union!

Sippin' With Panhellenic: August 25th, 2023 from 10-2pm

Stop by and enjoy free refreshing drinks from our Panhellenic community that represents something unique about every chapter!

Meet Your Rho Gamma and PNM Orientation: August 31st, 2023 from 6 to 8pm

For those that have registered for recruitment and are eligible to participate, you will attend this orientation session to understand how our recruitment process works and meet your Rho Gamma!

Is there an academic requirement to go through recruitment?

The Panhellenic Council requires potential new members must have a cumulative college GPA of a 2.5, if applicable. Some individual chapters have internal scholarship requirements they expect of their members. This is a great question to ask chapters in the recruitment room!

Will my academics suffer by joining a sorority?

Absolutely not. Scholarship is a main goal for all of our Panhellenic chapters. If a woman does not meet either Panhellenic or her Chapter’s academic standards, there will be consequences, but we also have many resources to help her if she does find herself in this situation. Many of our chapters have specific scholastic resources at their member’s disposal. Each chapter has an executive or associate executive leadership position specifically tailored to sisters’ academic needs. We hold congratulatory events for those with outstanding GPAs and award sisters and chapters with high academic achievement. The Panhellenic council cumulative GPA is well above the universities all women’s cumulative GPA.

How much money does sorority membership cost?

Some of our Panhellenic chapters are all inclusive, whereas others are non inclusive. The recruitment handbook has financial transparency sheets for each chapter. Also, chapters may offer payment plans and scholarships may be available. Panhellenic offers dues scholarships throughout the semester as well. Many of our members pay their dues themselves, so do not feel discouraged!

Should I still go through recruitment even if I am not a typical “sorority girl” type?

You absolutely should! Here at UNF, we encourage women (Panhellenic or not) to remain true to themselves and find friendships in other women who do the same. Finding your chapter allows you to find a group of women who you will be able to relate to, but there is no true “sorority girl” ideal; we are all different but love each other just the same and embrace each other as Panhellenic sisters no matter what. Some of the most involved women in our Panhellenic community started off with the same worry, but quickly came to realize that whether they identify as the “typical sorority girl” or not, they have a place here and have been able to make the best friends and sisters for life!

What is the time commitment like in a sorority?

The minimum time commitment is to attend Chapter meeting once a week, which are typically on Sunday nights. During your new member period, the chapter will host various new member activities and educational sessions. There are many optional events each week you can attend but most are not required. There are various mandatory events throughout the semester for both your chapter and for Panhellenic/Greek life, but you should be given the dates far enough in advance to plan accordingly. Chapters are very understanding of class conflicts and things like work!