Our Panhellenic Council is founded upon six values; knowledge, integrity, service, friendship, community and leadership. Our women work to strengthen themselves and others through these values. Keep reading to learn more about each value and how we prioritize them in our colligate careers.



“Knowledge has a beginning but no end” -Geeta Iyengar

As Panhellenic women, we work to further our knowledge and understanding of our surroundings. We do this by encouraging colligate members to put their academics and schoolwork before everything else.

Some of the ways we do this:

  • Having all our chapters specialize in different ways to help their member’s academics

  • Hosting study nights throughout the semester as a Panhellenic community and as individuals chapters

  • Hosting Scholarship Nights, nights dedicated to different colleges to allow affiliated women to connect with other members in their field of study

  • Having different incentive programs: Nacho Nights, Instagram shout-outs, etc.




“Real integrity is doing the right thing, knowing that nobody’s going to know whether you did it or not.” - oprah winfrey

We always want to make sure that we are acting with the utmost kindness, respect, and honor to not only others, but ourselves. We encourage all of our members to achieve greatness within themselves by being model students and greek members.

Some of the ways we do this:

  • Writing anonymous positive and encouraging letters to other chapters

  • Educating members about rules and being voting members

  • Holding each other accountable to higher standards/morals

  • Encouraging each other to improve for the better




“no one has ever become poor from giving” - Anne Frank

Serving others gives our members the opportunity to help our community in personal ways. Our women are able to change lives and have their lives changed by others in the Jacksonville community.

Some of the ways we do this:

  • Having chapters provide opportunities for members to volunteer with local organizations: Habitat for Humanity, Humane Society, Hubbard House, Ronald McDonald House, American Heart Association, Guardian ad Litem, Duval County Public Schools, Girl Scouts, Donna Foundation

  • Hosting events for members to serve together as a Panhellenic community such as reading at the UNF Preschool

  • Having “Donation Collections” for different causes

  • Hosting philanthropic events throughout the semester as a Panhellenic community and as individual chapters




“anything is possible when you have the right people there to support you” - misty copeland

It is important to have a support system that will be there for you, even through the highs and lows. These support systems can be found through the sisterhood our chapters provide. We encourage our members to build friendships not only within their own chapters, but with women throughout the entire Panhellenic community.

Some of the ways we do this:

  • Providing a value-based recruitment process

  • Hosting events that allow chapter members to bond and deepen their relationships with each other

  • Encouraging older members to mentor new members throughout their Panhellenic experience




“Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much” - Helen Keller

While our women may wear different letters, they all share the same core values. We encourage our members to branch their friendships outside not only their chapter, but the Panhellenic community as well.

Some of the ways we do this:

  • Hosting events for all chapters to attend: Bachelor Premier Night, Roller Blading, guest speakers, etc.

  • Encouraging members to participate in other school organizations such as Student Government, Presidential Envoys, Swoop Squad, etc.

  • Encouraging chapters to host events with other chapters across all four Greek councils: Panhellenic Council, Interfraternity Council, National Panhellenic Council, and Multicultural Greek Council

  • Encouraging chapters to host events with other on campus organizations




“Leadership is about making others better as a result of your presence and making sure that impact lasts in your absence.” - Sheryl Sandberg

Every woman has the potential to become a great leader within their community and professional field. We want to ensure that we provide our members with all of the tools necessary for them to achieve leadership goals.

Some of the ways we do this:

  • Providing leadership positions within each chapter and in the Panhellenic community

  • Having committees for under multiple Panhellenic Executive Board positions that invite applications from every chapter

  • Encouraging our members to apply for programs such as Greek Ambassadors and Greek Emerging Leaders